Social Media Optimization (60 posts per month)


2 posts daily on each Social media platforms and promotion of your products/services on Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+


This SMO package includes 60 posts in each Social media platform and promotion of the products/services on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.


  • Post images, videos and texts
  • Increase likes, shares and comments
  • Run contests
  • Create ads
  • Create user engagement through social commenting
  • Create banners and cover images
  • Monitor and manage Facebook profile


  • Create business profile
  • Post images, videos and texts
  • Regular tweets
  • Using @tag to let audience know about your page
  • Autograph posts on other fan pages
  • Monitor and manage Twitter account


  • Create business profile
  • Use images relevant to your business
  • Research keywords to optimize your profile
  • Add cover photo
  • Update video, audio and text posts regularly
  • Provide complete contact information
  • Monitor and manage LinkedIn profile


  • Create business profile
  • Add a professional profile image
  • Provide complete contact information
  • Provide an effective business description
  • Send invites to potential customers
  • Update company information, products, promo actions from time to time
  • Monitor and manage Google+ page